Now about the make-up, I never really like them. Why go all the trouble putting powder on your face and worry whether it's evenly applied or not? Or taking hours to draw lines at one of the most sensitive areas of your eyes? It may seem nice or worth it but the thoughts bothering me the most would be, why are girls expected to use cosmetics at a certain age? It's not sad to see even young girls like teenagers have also started using them, not wrong truthfully but it's the idea that subject girls to somewhat achieve a standard of looks which is accepted by society. Probably this is why girls are so concerned about their outer beauty.
I personally do think that physical appearance does affect the kind of impression we portray ourselves to other people. This applies to guys too but somehow the effect of the societal perception is just more prevalent among girls. Just me suddenly having my moments as a feminist.
Wearing make-up does make one look older in my opinion lol. And after getting a remark from a sales assistant in a boutique saying that I look like a Form 5 kid to her, I think it's time to agree with my mum that I should try wearing make-up just to look like my age. I wished I was 18 but I'm not. Just listen to my mum then. :)