Friday, November 19, 2010

Sleeping late + snooze button = late for class

Although I had a very tiring day yesterday with the excruciating calculus exam, studying chemistry with my study group, celebrating sin yi's birthday and finishing up my written homework for calculus(Although, I thought that I will finish it, I have one question left because I was unsure how to do it), I was wide awake until 3am or 4am..I am not sure why but I am guessing that maybe because I was hungry..hahaha..I know that I should be sleeping early because I have a class at 9am but I can't help it..I was not sleepy. Around 4.30am, I finally went to bed and sleep.

Before I knew it, the alarm started to was 7.30am. I hit the "snooze" and continue my sleep..I woke up after a while and realised that it was already 8.50am!!! It turned out that I hit the close button instead of the "snooze" button..I thought I did hit the right one..yea, for the first time in Ann Arbor, I woke up late but I can't miss that class because I had to hand in my written homework. (btw, many thanks to zera for letting me to use the bathroom..I really really appreciate it) :)

I went in the class and asked my instructor about the last question that I have not completed. After the class, here I am writing this post while trying to upload the photos but facebook is giving trouble in uploading the pics..:/

Lesson learnt: never hit the snooze button again! pauline, wake up! :P


chan leong said...

haha...i tot u used to be an early sleeper n early riser... wat has michigan done to u?

Pauline said...

yea I was but I guess I am getting pretty lazy to wake up because of the cold weather..:(