Friday, February 25, 2011

Just an Amatuer

Just went for a debate tournament again. It is the National Novice Debating Championship 2011. A tournament for novices only and amateurs like me and all the first years. Lol. A great experience for me. I really learned a lot of things like I should get rid of my fears and think straight in any situations at all! Everyone did a good job in Novice and hopefully we will get better! :D

At times, I think back of the times when I was at school. The times when I got embarrassed when I was too nervous to speak on stage which I ended up crying for it, just made me smiled thinking of it now. Silly me.. And until now, I haven't really improved in anything but I am working on it. Lol.

That's all form me for now. So, don't be like me here. Just don't let anything get in your way. :)


Ying Sze said...

keep it up ya ~~ patricia !!! =)

Patricia said...

thanks ying sze! :D