So now it's spring break and mostly everyone is out having fun in some place warm or pretty and as for me, I am stuck in Ann Arbor with nothing much to do. Sometimes, I wished I could transfer my free time now for the last two weeks. I was pretty much slumped with exams, projects and assignments for the last two weeks and having a little more time could have been great. It is one after the other and as usual, nothing really good comes out of it. I wished it could have been better. Oh well, it is over! And now, I have nothing to do at all. This is the time where I wished people was around. At least, I would not feel so lonely watching movies and eating all by myself but hey, how long has it been that I spent some 'me' time?
So, I have been keeping myself updated with Malaysian politics as the General Elections should be anytime soon...As you all may know, this GE might be one of the greatest moment in Malaysia's history and it is unfortunate that I am not registered to vote. :(
Anyhow, I am looking forward to the GE. Not that I am against or supporting any political parties..but I think like most Malaysians, I want a bright future for Malaysia for all Malaysians. I love this country a lot and sometimes, I get frustrated with the current government. I don't want to live in a country where the media is manipulated to suit certain political group, where corruption is happening within the government itself and where democracy is not practiced. I used to read the The Star all the time at home but now, I no longer read it and instead, I rely on YouTube or other forms of social media to know what is really going on in Malaysia.
Maybe it is time to change for the better. Alright enough about politics, if not my sister will be like "aiyo this girl and her politics...".
Thanks to Duo Ren, I have a list of movies to watch for the coming week...Besides that, I have to clean my room, do my laundry, catch up with my mum/sis...and cook, of course! :P
And then, back to my school work.. That is all I am up to for the time being!