Friday, May 31, 2013

After 2 years!

I have not been home for 2 years already and I have been longing to eat MALAYSIAN food and even to the extent of trying to replicate it. It wasn't successful but it definitely shows how much I want it. Well, I am going to be back for an internship not that free after all when I am back. lol. I can't stop thinking of going back home when I saw my E-ticket! Family, friends and food, I am going to be back real soon, just wait for me!  Exams are in a few days time but I am distracted...this is bad. Alright, I better get back to work now...

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Fruitful Wait

Elections are over. Exams are over. The wait for results are over. Had to wait extra long for my results because UKM has this system where they'll hold your results till the students paid for their school fees. Yup, I have officially become the "pelajar yang paling banyak kali tidak selesaikan hutang" or just one of them. I was victimized by a system which takes forever to clear my debt. Complicated but I have actually paid my debt. True that. The good thing is my results are always confidential lol. The bad, I need the extra patience to get them. After the long wait, whatever anxiety I had only came back when I finally got to talk to one of the office people. Finally made it to 4th year! :D

Will be starting off with psychiatry. Just let me get through 4th year and I'm so close to UKM MD! And with high hopes, I'll be able to visit Ling in the States next year. :)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Coming few days

Yes, I am done with finals and I am going to start my senior year very soon. :)
Well, as for these coming few days, there are a lot things to look forward to.

As for my country, there could a memorable historical moment for this coming 13th general elections. I look forward to watch the results live and I am sure that is what most Malaysians all over the world will be doing.

As for my myself, I am going to be around Ann Arbor taking classes in the spring semester. I can't wait to start cooking and of course, lose some weight (lets hope it works out). The weather now reminds me of Malaysia, warm and sunny! Also, I will be going for the Malaysian Midwest Games in Kalamazoo.

There is just so much things going on. :)