Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back for the summer

Yes, I am back now. :)

After the long hours of flight and stops, I am back in KL! My parents were there waiting and waving at me. I was so glad to see them and I have noticed that they are smaller( I think its because that I am bigger in size)..:(

During my journey, I have met a Malaysian who has the exact same flight as mine. And yes, I mean all the way from Michigan to Washington to Doha and finally, to Malaysia. I felt a bit better knowing that someone would be with me all the way back home.

I was lucky enough to be in the business class flight. Thank you, Qatar! :P
It was so comfy and nice. At least, I don't have to squeeze myself and I was able to stretch all time.

Again..I don't really like to have too much time for myself..the time for me to think about just anything. Sounds a bit idiotic, I know..but I can't help to think about the actions that I have regretted for, the stupid decisions that I have made and the moments where I have not been the rational me because I chose to be the emotional me. As much as I want to put the blame on my girl issue or on any other reasons at all, I felt like I was the one at fault in the end.

There are just so many things can be done in just a few months. Bad or good..anything at all. However, I can only think of those that I dislike and hated. I know I should be grateful and think of the happy and joyful moments in life. Guess I had my self reflective time?

I know that I am not all that right in all matters. I don't even think that there is one right way in everything at all. There are only different ways and different opinions. I am not being specific about a certain issue..I like my posts to be as general as possible. I am just frustrated that I am not able to think rationally and be emotionally stable when I was placed in an awkward position or in a situation where I have to make the decision.

I can't see any changes in me. I know some people were thinking that I might be more "westernized" and all but..there are things that I don't want to change still. I am not any better than anyone else. I am still regular and of course, a little bigger in size but I am still the same person. Nothing much had changed. Being abroad for just a few months did not make me at advantage or at a better position than someone who did not leave the country.

Eventually, it's all about us being able to shape ourselves to improve for the better. For me, life is not about being better than someone else. After all, what is it that we are living for? Ourselves right?


Aliff Ahmad said...

Welcome back Pauline! :)
Lets hang out :P

Pauline said...

haha! yea boleh! :D