Saturday, July 23, 2011

Not so little anymore

While I was enjoying my break from studies, my sister is busy studying and preparing for her debate competition. I did not have a lot of opportunity to see her. All I could do at home to help her were helping her to wrap her books and just tolerate with her when she gets frustrated. I get that she is busy, REALLY BUSY to the point where she skipped her meals in between. So, I have decided to watch her(although I do not want to disturb her and make her feel awkward with my presence, I think I did). Ching, I am so sorry but I really wanted to see how far have you improved..Not that I am judging you..It's just that I have not really seen the "debate-side" of you ever since you have told me so many stories about it when you have first debated. Thanks to friend who have accompanied me there, I got to where I was supposed to be without feeling lonely there. YES, I saw my little sister debating..:P

The debate style was BP(British Parliamentary which has 4 teams consisting of two teams in the government and two teams in the opposition which have one opening and closing team respectively) and the motion was "The first world country's affirmative actions have brought injustice to women." The title might be not be worded as it was exactly but this is close enough to it. My sister's team was the closing for the opposition. For me, it has started off with a bad start from the government team but it got cleared up when the opposition started to pointed it out. In the end, it was a worth to watch match because the closing for the both teams were pretty much even. As expected, the oppositions won and my sister's team was second after the opening team for the opposition.

As I have expected, she did impressed me. With the information that she has presented, I was like "Wow, you know a lot!". She was shaky in the beginning but she went on well with justifying her points on her stand. She was not as loud as I have used to be because I am pretty sure that my voice is far louder in high school. She was almost at her loudest, I think. I know that my sister would freaked out if I have started taking pictures and hence, I did not take any pictures but I did recorded her speech.

I wished that she could go to the finals. Good Luck! :)


Patricia said...

hey, nice post! Lol. Aww.. I feel bad for not spending much time with you. I'm glad that you were there. Thanks! And sorry too. We'll go out k! :D

Pauline said...

hahaha! i get worries. :P