Thursday, October 31, 2013

Reasons people give

You know those times when you say you are busy and you ended up not doing things you actually want/like/wish to do? Yes, this happens to me all the time and I bet it will occur more often for the coming two Even my reasons seem legit enough for me to excuse myself from doing those things I wished I had done instead, these past few days, I begin to think that they (in this context, I meant the legit reasons) could all just be reasons..

Honestly, I do not know what will become of me in the next 10 years. Everyone wants to be somebody and so do I. Knowing that I will be starting off my career in Malaysia is not as 'motivating' or 'satisfying' as I thought it would be when I was 18 years old. I think this is mainly due to the fact, I know a lot of people who started on the same platform as I am are aiming for greater things.

I know about the 'braindrain issue', giving back to the country and all but how about putting yourself out there to do things that you never thought you would do and challenge yourself to do stuff you have always wanted to be a part of? I believe if 'that' place in which I am settling for is giving young people like me those two factors, we would have not think that we settled for it but we own it.

Just so you know I am not complaining for what I know is ahead of me. Apart of me believes that anyone can start something great regardless of where they started off working. In the end, I think it is up for me to decide which are the 'legit' reasons for me to be where I would be in the coming years.

So challenge yourself or just settle what you have got?

Alright that is all from me rambling...:P

have a look at this video..:)

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