Friday, November 13, 2009

Sometimes its not all about me and sometimes its not all about you

I am feeling kinda down today..dont know, is my EMO season, i guess..just wana let it out by writing it here..

I know i might not be a very good friend..ditching you when you really needed me..and worst of all, i didnt realized it at all..All this while, you have been initiating the conversation in the yahoo inbox and facebook chat box..those conversation are important for you but for me, they are just another normal conversation..then, today, you really hit me in the face and tell me "Hey, I feel miserable all this while and you cant see it!"...yea, I have to admit you are right though..I am fortunate in this aspect..but then again, I was there when you needed me..I even tolerated your nonsense, frustration, and attitude..seriously, you have to be considerate if you want others to be considerate too..this is one fact that you must know..not trying to say that you are bad but you will just have to be nice if you want to be treated nice..dont think you are the only one living..wake up!

Today, I really needed to talk to, i chose you but you have given me frustration..its partly my fault too because i didnt tell anyone about how I feel at times when i really needed them to be with me..I know you dont know how miserable I felt, its not your fault..i wont blame you..

I know that you will not be reading this but I hope you will one day..PS: i know you have not been following my blog..hahaha..I even know that you have deleted yourself as my follower..i am sad when i first knew it but then again i did what i always do..act blur and move on..typical me huh?

I know i have dissapointed you but you have dissapointed me too..I know I have left you and you know what, I feel sorry for you..i think that is the reason why I have been listening to you and letting you to decide..If you think that I have not been thinking about you, you are wrong..I did think of you..I did think for you..but I guess that is just not enough..

What ever is it..I know if you have seen this post of mine, you will know who i am talking about..yeah, its about you and i want you to know it without hurting you directly like how you hit me in the may not like it but this is me..i want to be me.. i am normal and i have my EMO season..

What ever happens, I want you to know that i am your friend and that I never regret being your friend and I hope you wont too..cheers!

With lots of love,
little girl with big dreams...

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