The picture above, it is a picture which is supposed to be in my birthday post. Haha..Yup that's my birthday cake! From left, Cassy, me and Ying Xin.
It has been awhile since I last posted something here. All because of exams! Now that my finals are officially over, I can finally spend time doing this post. I don't know what or how I did for exams. I'm still traumatized. LOL. Well, I've been through it and I will just get over whatever that is on my way. It is over but I wasn't happy like I expected myself to be. Am I still stressed up? Haha.. Hoping for the best for myself and not forgetting for Ling as well. *keeping my fingers crossed.*
There came the end of misery or the end of the final exam. XD.. After exams, there wasn't really any plans for me so I ended up going out with the Apartment Gang since my close friends went back home. Lol. Had lunch, watched movie and had dinner. So, what's next?
I plan to catch up on episodes of whatever shows which I've been missing out and watch anime series. And read the book which I've never touched it even though I had it like since last year. I think Ling knows it. The Time Traveler's Wife..Hehe. Probably go out and meet my old friends. Continue my jogging routine. Hmm..what else? Oh yea, the HC community project, Genting trip and debate. Wondering if other trips will work out.
A Thousand Miles is a title of a song. Song again! Yea I guess I'm really influenced by songs. I heard it on the radio while driving back so got hooked up by it now. Would you walk a thousand miles just to see someone else? For someone you really like? Or maybe for your family? Just being random. I think I actually know someone who did that and would have done it without doubt. :)