Friday, September 24, 2010

My day ended just like that..

Last night, I have to study for my chemistry quiz, read the calculus textbook(I have to if not I will be so blur in the lecture) and do my economics homework(lucky, I did the homework because we had a pop quiz the next morning..hahaha).
That time I was truly glad that I had drop psychology. It will be too much for me. I can't handle too much of subjects.

After studying for a few hours in the library, I went back and of course, I was hoping that my sis, my family or some friends of mine would be online. I was checking my umich mail and ctools for any announcements and assignments. Then, I saw "Patricia Low signed in"!!!

I guess it was very predictable that I would immediately called her..HAHAHAHA..but unfortunately, my calls kept on is not all that good after all. The connection in her place was really bad. She kept on signing in and out. It was not a good news for us. Instead of chatting, we ended up trying to fix the connection. All those precious time that we might have used to chat had wasted just like that. :(

When we have finally got to chat, she was about to rush to somewhere else day ended up with dissapointment but I managed to sleep because I was too tired..LOL.


Patricia said...

hey i feel so bad reading this. so sorry. kinda busy this few days. i will try to make it up to u ;D

Pauline said...

no worries. i am ok now. :D