Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pill-Eyes' Birthday

While Ling had a birthday surprise in the morning after taking her bath, I had a completely different birthday celebration. Honestly,I wasn't really excited this year due to the fact that it falls on Monday. As usual, I have to attend lectures and classes. The fun spoiler was the lab work! I hate lab work! The day just startedout wrong.. I guess.

Well, it was not all that bad after that and also the day before my birthday. The day before my birthday was a Sunday and I went for the usual debate training. After training, we all went out for dinner. After when we were like gonna finish our meals, a birthday cake came and people starting singing the happy birthday song but I didn't think it was meant for me. I thought they were actually gonna celebrate for the other two seniors, Shu Shi and Jeremy. When they were singing, I joined the singing too. Then I saw my name on the cake as well and they sang like "..happy birthday to Shu Shi and Patricia~" They remembered my birthday! Aww.. I was happy but it was really unexpected!

Then later in the evening, Sandy drove a few of us to Setapak. We all went to Setapak and had dinner in Kenny Rogers'. It was all a plan. They even went to the extent to call my parents not to let me go home on that day since I go home quite often. Then came another cake! Happy Birthday Patricia Pillai! Now I am officially a Pillai or peel-eye, all thanks to Cassy and Ying Xin! It was my 1st birthday cake without sharing with anyone too! Same experience as Ling. :P

Thanks for making my birthday so memorable! To the people involved, my dear friends who came all the way to Setapak just for me, my sweet buddy and her boyfriend, and not forgetting the UKM debaters for making me happy on this occasion. I like the presents and the birthday wishes. I took some time to open up all the pills to read your little messages. Lol. So sweet of you all to do that! You all may not read this post but I really appreciate it! :D


Pauline said...

i miss you out of a sudden. :,)

Sakura said...

the bond between you two sweet girl warms my heart inside out! =)