Monday, January 17, 2011

What is "ideal"?

What would you do when you want things to change just for the better but that you can't even do anything with it? What I had meant has nothing got to do with something that can be change with just actions..They are not ambitions, relationships and academics in which we can change them if we really work for them and try harder.

Everyone has something that is ideal in their minds. For example, a good academic result means getting all A's, a successful career means getting a well paid job, a happy family means spending time with your spouse and children, a leader is someone who knows how to work well with people, a friend is someone who you can always count on when there are ups and downs, an ideal song is a song that is pleasing to the ear and the list goes on...

Like everyone else, I have mine as well for just about everything. I am not going to say that I am not appreciative enough because I really want things for the better. I want to have that "something" I had to be ideal as well. As you can see, I can't even bring myself to say it out. This is because it has not been ideal to me from the start. It can't be easily said or done and there it is, being in its supposed-to-be form..

I don't know but all I can say is that I envy those who have that "something" that they can shout it out loud and not be ashamed about it. I have to admit that yes, I am not happy about it and truthfully, it had bothered my emotions and it has not been aligned with my own principles in life. Not only me though..others as well I bet if they have know it. To explain it is hard. Truthfully, I don't even know where to begin.

I guess that not all of us have the same "ideal" thoughts. Mine are very simple and common because they are about the same as everyone else's. Maybe I am not ready to accept it yet. Hopefully, I will some day before its too late.


chan leong said...

smile. you will find your ideal coming you way...

Pauline said...

haha..if i can ever choose my ideal, i am sure that i will be happier.
anyway, thanks cl. :)