It reminds me that I was once in KMK, walking around, chit-chatting with a friend and enjoying the time left for us to be in KMK. There were a few things I wanted to do before leaving KMK for good. I've always wanted to go inside one of the lecturers' homes and I proud to say this..XD
Anyway, I really miss being there even though I know it sounds a little silly. If my life was a book and the times I had spent in KMK was a chapter.. this chapter may not be the longest one but definitely an interesting one. There was one time when I had a really bad stomachache and thank God that I was lucky enough to have two friends who were willing to accompany me to the clinic in the middle of the night. There was also other times that I felt grateful like when I had this dreadful skin disease, there were actually so many people who were worried for me. Some even suggested ideas for curing it. I, genuinely was touched.
It has been like a month already that I have left KMK and I'm still thinking about it. :)
"If my life was a book and the times I had spent in KMK was a chapter.. this chapter may not be the longest one but definitely an interesting one"...definitely agree with this sentence...haha...really gt a bit miss the time in KMK...=)
Yea i m missing KMK too. :)
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