Thursday, July 22, 2010

Now, its my turn

If you think being a parent is easy, think again..haha. Yes, I think I understand a little now because its my turn to take over my mum's job and that is to take care of her. My mum just went for her operation on Tuesday and she has yet to recover which means to be able to do her own daily routines. She is at home taking a break from her work. And yes, my bro and I have to look after her for the time being eversince when she had her operation.

My bro is not involved in the petty things like washing and cleaning..he is more of a driver for now..I am not as sensitive or should I say aware as my mum is. She thinks of everything that I have never thought of. For example, she would put all the clothes in the washing machine according to colors and she will leave the clothes drenched in the washing machine for one night unlike me who would just dump everything in that machine and push the start button..hahaha. I think that she has learned from her experience and that is why she is being so meticulous about everything.

She would be watching me as I follow her instructions doing the household chores..To be honest, I don't like being watched because I don't think she will agree with what I want to do and I feel pressurized at times when she says "Its okay, I will do it"..I feel like I am of no use when she says that..can't help it..haha..XD
Now, I realized that she might have felt the exact feeling when I say "Its ok, I will do it myself" when I told her about my problems and I can imagine that my own kid was telling me that but I can't be of much help. The same thing goes with my mum. It must have hurt her so, she has three, its times three and I have not counted the years..haha..ok, I shall stop the only makes me feel guilty.

Since she is unable to carry out some chores, I think I can be helpful for her in many ways. I really want to help but I can't do most of the things the way I want to because she will be watching, that means that I got to be more careful..hahaha..:S
For now, I will just follow her orders although I don't really agree. I am learning to be more patient and independent in a way too. Love you, mum! :)


Patricia said...

Lol. I m expecting u to be more patient after this :p

Patricia said...
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Pauline said...

oh ya, i forgot to mention about learning how to cook too..;D

Patricia said...

wow.. anyway u should learn coz u might need those skills in US XD