Even during the semester break, UKM teams still participated in this tournament. GSD was held in UPM and I finally took pictures this time. Hehe. This wasn't really our tournament. We had ups and downs.
Personally, I didn't think we could bring back the trophy but it's not like I didn't have hopes for it. Just not so much, I guess. For one, we aren't experienced enough as we are all juniors except for the UKM adjudicators. Secondly, we weren't so prepared to go for this tournament. We had trainings but it is just never a statement for me that I would be much prepared for any competition. LOL. It was just to see how much I've improved if I did. I think I did learn a few things.
I am pretty sure all the UKM debaters are disappointed with our bad achievements but we'll strive better right? :) Apart from all of that, I felt we really got close and knew one another better as we could hardly meet up unless if we come for trainings. We had our very own activity to increase the bonding among ourselves. It was more about the same thing we did in Royals. Played games, went out and bought presents for ourselves.
As for now, we are all busy preparing for our very own intervarsity tournament, UKM IV. We're supposed to promote it so if you're interested, just go to ukmintervarsity.wordpress.com
That's all for now. :)